Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Nature of Identification

A world of infinite possibilities, healing, vastness and more exist all the time, simultaneously, alongside the one we are living. This world lies beyond belief. For most, this reality is either unknown territory or a brief, rather than a predominant, experience.
We have been trained to perceive a certain version of reality, unaware of this truth. We live in a world inside ourselves full if ideas, concepts and identities based on past experiences, unwittingly claiming this as reality and who we are. A more honest assessment would be that we are living a self-made version of reality.
To understand this we need to understand the nature of the mind, which is to identify with what it perceives. This is a natural ability of the mind, however we are unconscious of this capacity. We have been trained to use it's power of identification to thoughts, concepts, emotions and beliefs, to resurrect a self that is solid and real. However, this tendency excludes much of reality. When the mind identifies with what passes through it's screen as a solid, real, unmoving reality, we forget that life and it's contents are impermanent as well are unaware of other realities. Life is always moving, dynamic and flowing. Therefore, we need to become conscious of the mind's ability to identify and to wield it wisely with awareness, so that we can understand that life is not solid nor static, even if we try to make it so. Most of us are unconscious of this fundamental principle of life.
We need to recognize and realize the power of the mind, and that we can direct that power consciously, like a sword. We have the power to cut through the dizzying amount of content and information that passes through it's field claiming it as a self, a me, an I, what's real and rather flow with it and discover and know our true nature and reality. When we clearly see this, we can step back from our patterned perceptions and question our identifications and mental attachments. This leaves space for us to ask ourselves if what we are experiencing inside is the ultimate truth or simply what we have unconsciously accepted and been programmed to believe is reality.
When we do this, we will awaken to the power of the mind to consciously, concisely and with skill and knowledge, discover and live in realities that lie beyond the boarders of what we think is reality. We instead will glimpse the vast, luminous, and brilliant realities of unlimited potential that exist. As in the book "The Mists of Avalon," a magical island exist beyond the mists, analogous to our limited perceptions. Only those willing to accept the possibility of worlds outside their limited perceptions can enter Avalon. True reality has many versions and dimensions. Those who understand this and become skilled mentally penetrate and pass through illusions and see them for the mists they really are. You have all that you need inside yourself to discover these terrains.
To navigate these invisible, internal realities that we are constantly absorbed in and seldom question requires presence: that part of us that is inborn, that witnesses, that can see what is truly happening objectively. There is no greater journey then to see and know what we are loyal to, what we are giving our precious power, energy and attention to. It is a noble adventure and I invite you to take a more active, conscious participation in your life rather then assuming what you think is real and is all that there is.
I encourage you to place the search light of your awareness on this capacity of the mind to identify and reveal to yourself what you are believing rather than thinking it's who you are.
May you discover and experience the preciousness of this human birth, this life, and revel in its beauty.
Have a joyous and happy holiday season.
Much love and light to you and all those who are in your life.

"Out beyond ideas of wrong doing
and right doing, there is a field.
I'll meet you there.
When the soul lies down in that grass,
the world is too full to talk about.
Ideas, language, even the phrase each other
doesn't make any sense." -Rumi



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