Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A Special Gift for YOU!

Happy Holidays and may your New Year be filled with love, joy and many blessings.

Thank you for the opportunities to serve and help you and the fulfillment you have brought into my life through our relationship.

For the new year the newsletter will be quarterly rather than monthly. I am grateful for the changes in my life and no longer have the time to write articles monthly. Thank you for all your feedback and support. I have enjoyed writing the articles and hearing the differences they have made in your life and that many of you have forwarded the newsletter to your friends. Thank you for sharing. I look forward to serving you.

And here's my special gift to you:

Now you can give the gift of health and healing this holiday season.

Give someone you love a session at Fulfilled Living Wellness Center for the holidays. One can receive their first visit which includes a comprehensive history, exam and their first Network Chiropractic and Intuitive and Energy Healing session or an Animal Communication and Healing session.

I look forward to serving and helping those your love.

