Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Release Preferences and Trust the Flow of Life

I'll begin by sharing the inspiration for this subject. I heard the title as I was leaving the Marin Court House where I was called for juror duty. As we all know this is usually not people's preferred place to be. I was aware of my preference and agenda to not serve and simultaneously accepted the opportunity life was giving me and engaged happily and with curiosity. From this attitude and agility, I was able to be present and appreciate each moment.

They showed us a video on the process of being a juror, which unexpectedly inspired enthusiasm for me around what justice means personally, in my relationships, in healing and how I experience it. Then it came time for the selection process. I knew what my agenda was, and at the same time I heard the prompting from life to simply be open and trust the flow. In surrendering, I further heard and understood to align my energy to the highest and the best for all concerned. I knew that if the greatest benefit was for me to serve on the juror, then that would happen and if my energy was needed for my clients, then I would be there. No matter what, I was in life's hands. As I let go of my personal will, I felt life's guidance and trusted it. My anxiety vanished. Manipulation and force dissolved. I was not trying to make life happen my way, for as we all know, trying to control our lives is exhausting and even debilitating at times.

Through synchronicity and the intelligence of life, I did not serve. In not pushing my agenda, but rather trusting and following life, I experienced ease, effortlessness, true integrity and fulfillment. I left feeling immense joy and connection with life. This connection and relationship with life allowed me to flow with each moment, learn, synthesize and create my experience from an empowered place.

How often in each day do we have these opportunities to create and live from enjoying and partnering with life? Each moment, each situation and experience offers us this. More often we are attached to our preferences and stuck in our heads, for this is how we were taught to view and relate to life through dualistic thinking such as likes, dislikes, good, bad and labels, etc. We come to a place where we believe that life should conform to our desires. If it doesn't, we are miserable, unhappy and/or fighting what is happening. This futile approach creates struggle, suffering, resistance, exhaustion and at times helplessness, because, as we all know, life sometimes goes as we would like and sometimes it doesn't. We end up feeling like a victim. Life feels like an emotional rollercoaster ride of highs and lows.

For many, this is their experience of life. They often feel defeated and come to the conclusion that life is not for them. This is not true. This is only a belief, a habit.

As we empty ourselves from strong attachment to preferences, from life needing to look a certain way, we free ourselves and we lighten our emotional load. We become trusting of life and enjoy it's flow. For ultimately we are life when we are not in the habit of experiencing ourselves as a separate "I". This does not mean we have no preferences or direction, rather we hold our preferences lightly and instead have clear intentions and collaborate with the intelligence of the universe as it moves through us as us.

Preferences act as a barrier to reality, a veil. Depending upon how identified and attached we are to our preferences will determine how much of life's communication and flow we will occlude and how much we will suffer.

True happiness exists in the moment, in being awareness and presence itself. It does not lie as we've been taught in situations, circumstances or people for that is all transient. Yes, we are mean't to enjoy and delight in life's offering, but not to be attached, defined or relate only through preferences. Life is constantly changing and if we identify solely as the water that passes over the rocks true, enduring happiness will elude us for actually we are the river of life that experiences and expresses all.

Honestly, it is humbling to see how pervasive this habit is in our lives, how strongly and stubbornly we cling in certain situations and to release it, but it is possible with patience, presence and persistence. As we become mindful and train the mind to recognize who we truly are which is awareness that is unbias and inherently awake and happy we realize we can be present and happy in any situation. The unconscious habit of making ourselves into an "I" which is full of preferences that drag us from extremes to extremes, opinions to opinions loses its grip.

Life is intelligent, it may not always give us what we want, but gives us what we need. Open yourself to learn, grow and to ease. Learn to live the unexpected!

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Thursday, September 2, 2010

Good News and an Update

Professional holistic healthcare at an affordable price!

Lisa is now a part of the Walk-In Low Cost Clinic at The Common Well. She will begin September 23rd, Thursdays from 2-5pm. Lisa will be offering Network Chiropractic, Intuitive Healing, Energy Healing and Spiritual Counseling. Sessions are $20 for a 20 minute session and are in a group room. The group room honors that healing is a community experience, as one heals it activates another.

The Common Well is a resource for holistic health services and education that support a deeper trust in our body’s wisdom to heal and authentic expression of our true selves. Services and education offered at the Well address physical, mental and spiritual health from a holistic viewpoint.

The community clinic model is designed to enable those in need of health care access to it. Access to affordable, regenerative treatments and quality professional are an essential component to our wellness, vitality and quality of life.

I look forward to seeing and serving you.

The Common well is located in the North Bay, just 10 minutes west of San Rafael, in downtown Fairfax California.

The Common Well
85 Bolinas Road
Suites 6 and 8
Fairfax, California

Rocket Dog Fundraiser was CANCELLED
The Animal Communication Sessions at a fundraiser for Rocket Dog Rescue originally scheduled for
Sunday, August 22, from 5pm to 10pm

Were postponed due to a fire. There will be a new date and time sometime in September.