Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Would you like your own magic carpet or genie in a bottle? I believe we all would like what this represents which is the ability to help ourselves be happy and to feel the beauty and experience the ease and aliveness of this life. Faith is that magic carpet. When we open and surrender to faith in our hearts, minds and bodies, we enter into a world of unlimited possibilities where history fades, suffering dissolves and concepts of past, present and future are merely illusions.

Faith is a feeling and an act. It is the ability to believe and be open to the unknown. Faith is an energy current and a feeling we can experience and ride on. It is neither personal nor historical. Faith opens our system to the moment and expands our minds, emotions and bodies to broader vistas and all inclusive perspectives, so you can relate and move successfully through your life and our world. Faith is literally like a magic genie that benefits us and that appears once we open, acknowledge and choose it.

Faith moves us beyond our personal beliefs, fears and investments to align and unite with a higher power, a universal energy and awareness. Our system becomes locked from mental, emotional and physical habits; a closed, predictable loop of energetic patterns. This creates unhappiness and disease. Faith offers us the opportunity on a relative, personal level to look at oneself, another, the world and situations from a holistic, all encompassing viewpoint as well as on an ultimate level to experience our inherent wholeness, connectivity, oneness and unity consciousness.

We tend to view life and make decisions from personal reference points like self-interest, self-preservation and/or self-depreciation. This is the cause of our suffering. We can free ourselves from this limiting, constrictive habit through the magic carpet ride of faith. Faith uplifts us and connects us with our own magic genie, our own inner guru. It enlightens us and inspires us to experience and live our highest ideals, aspirations and fullest human potential moving us beyond the entrapping barriers and veils of egoic thinking. Living faith, happiness, well-being and fulfillment flower and blossom.

Welcome to a world of unlimited possibilities where delusions, suffering, concepts of I, me, you and mine disappear. Duality and polarity vanish and the concept of enemy is seen for what it is, a mere reflection of the mind's attitude, an illusion, a habit to polarize experience rather than live our interconnectedness. With faith, the belief prison bars fade into an open, vibrant, aliveness where you breathe in coordination with the pulse and essence of life.

Attune yourself to faith. Awaken your destiny.


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