Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Mental Projections

The mind has unlimited power and potential. It is vast, open, spacious and luminous light in its natural state. Most only know the mind through its abilities, such as thinking, and identify with the mind's functions as themselves.

Have you ever examined the mind's capacities objectively? Some of these are thinking, creating and manifesting, imagination, visualization, logical processing and projecting. The mind is analagous to a movie projector, showing us what lives inside our heads in the form of beliefs, thoughts, viewpoints and emotions. The mind projects onto the screen of life that which it is fed.

The ability to project acts as a mirror allowing us to experience our beliefs, thoughts, viewpoints and emotions on the canvas of life. We are able to see what we are creating with our vital energy through the mind's power and ability. We are also able to see what lays hidden within us. We constantly use this precious power to project thoughts, feelings and beliefs unconsciously. However, you may use it consciously to co-create with life your truest aspirations and dreams. It requires awareness, clarity, understanding, dedication and time for reflection to master this ability and use it to its full potential.

What is inside your head? Is it a horror show one minute, a soap opera drama the next, a romantic fantasy, a self-critical sitcom, a comparing and contrasting nightmare, a litany of the past, an endless, restless chatter or complete nonsense? Or are you actualizing the true state of the mind peace, brillance, spaciousness, stillness and ecstatic, luminous emptiness? What movie do you allow on the screen of your awareness, attach and absorb your energy into, and create from? Yes, you do have power here and recognizing it is the first step.

The ability to project is inherently neither good nor bad, it responds to how we use it. Mental Projection is a creative capacity of the mind. For many, this gift and ability is unrecognized and used unwittingly. What often happens is we project onto a person or a situation what we believe reality to be. We fail to assess the person or situation clearly and come to an accurate judgement. We then create self-fulfilling prophecies, based on our historical understanding of reality, expecting and requesting life to adhere to our perspectives, and as life is generous, it does so. So what mental projections aka movies are you allowing and playing?

This power often goes unexplored. I joyfully invite you to look objectively at what you are projecting to see what belief it is originating from and to see if it is true. When you find yourself unconsciously projecting, celebrate that as an opportunity to examine your beliefs and get to know the "you" you believe yourself to be. Ask those you love if what you are projecting onto them, or onto the situation you are in, is actually true. Be willing to see things differently, from another's point of view. Often, what we think is happening and what is really happening are two different realities. Explore, ask questions and be willing to be wrong.

So to reiterate; often what we mentally project and believe about people, situations and circumstances are untrue and unconscious. When we contemplate and examine our projections, we are afforded the opportunity to perceive reality clearly and refine our ability to project. We are able to choose consciously what we would like to project rather than accepting and creating unwittingly from the reality we've given our power to.

Have fun.


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